Alberto Guardiola (’96)

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While a student at Robinson School, Class of 1996 alum Alberto Guardiola was a very well-liked student athlete who excelled as the captain of the school’s basketball team and represented the school in track and field. He was also active in student government, communication and drama.

After his graduation, Alberto studied Biology at the University of Mayaguez, and later went to medical school specializing in Ophtalmology. He is a Board Certified Ophtalmologist engaged in a structured program of patient-centered processes that emphasizes continued medical education, patient safety modules, knowledge assessments and quality improvement programs.

He obtained his retinal fellowship at the AIO Institute in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Guardiola is a Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Director and President of the West Eye Specialists Clinic in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.

Dr. Alberto Guardiola always dreamed of providing his patients extraordinary visual care with cutting-edge treatments and technology. True to his vision, Dr. Guardiola has been able to provide improved medical and functional care to his patients with a personal touch.

Dr. Guardiola, thank you for providing extraordinary eye care to patients on the West Coast!!!